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In Septiembre 2021, DIH-LEAF has been recognized as fully operational by the European Comission (Platform of the Smart Specialisation Strategy - Joint Research Centre). DIH-LEAF is now a member of the group of 60 Spanish DIHs that are recognized as fully operational, included in the S3Platform DIH Catalogue.



The project Viticulture living-lab: Digital tools for a sustainable viticulture (DIG4VITIS) has been selected for funding. The proposal was submitted by DIH-LEAF, with a consortium of 10 of its member organizations, and has received 20.000 € of funding. DIG4VITIS will be developed under the PREPARE call of SmartAgriHubs, aimed at Innovation Experiments for Digital Transformation in the Agri-Food Economy. The execution deadline of the project is December, 2021.


The project Big Data for the maintenance of agro equipment (DAMANAGRO) has been selected for funding. The technological demand was launched by Cidiana Motor and has been funded by the Launch call of the University of Burgos, under the frame of the University-Enterprise Knowledge Transfer Plan (TCUE), cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Junta de Castilla y León. The proposal has received 6.000 € of funding and started in June, 2021.


This event aims at presenting, disseminating and analysing technological solutions and success cases related to the Internet of Things applied to the management of natural resources and biodiversity. It is destined for professionals in the forestry and environmental consultancy, as well as computer science and telecommunications. It will be held online on June 2021, 8-9, co-organized by DIH-LEAF and its member Cesefor.

Training activity about theoretical concepts of Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning in particular) and practical applications (RStudio), taught by Hispatec Analytics. It was held online on May 2021, 20-24, co-organized by DIH-LEAF and its member University of Burgos (Master in Agro-sustainable Engineering and Management).


On the 11th of May, 2021, the DIH-LEAF Launch Event was held. The main national and European strategies related to innovation and digital transformation within the focus areas covered by DIH-LEAF were analysed. The most relevant players at an international level revealed the principal action lines under development as well as the upcoming challenges.
