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The Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR)


The Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR) works to promote social and economic development in the rural areas of this Spanish province. SODEBUR is an entity (governed by public law) with 100% funding from the Provincial Government.

The organization is structured in five main areas: Investments and Industrial Engineering, Economic and Social Promotion, Institutional Cooperation, Image and Tourism and Sustainable Energy.

  • Investments and Industrial Engineering. This department supports to the Provincial Government and all its Town Halls in the development of its installations and industrial projects.
  • Economic and Social Promotion. It’s in charge of the planning and strategic development of the economy and social activities in the province.
  • Institutional Cooperation prepares proposals in order to obtain funding at regional, national and European level with the participation and collaboration of other local agents and entities.
  • Image and Tourism. This department is in charge of the tourism promotion of the rural areas of the province of Burgos with the support of the most important stakeholders of the territory.
  • Sustainable Energy. Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in the province of Burgos

In addition, SODEBUR's Board of Directors is formed by local agents of recognised prestige coming from the main socio-economic areas: Chamber of Commerce, FAE (Federation of Business Associations of Burgos), local Universities, Business Innovation Centre (CEEI) Burgos, Financial Entities … This composition provides a major dynamism and a better aptitude to mobilize to all involved provincial agents.

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